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Today is February 23, 2025
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Climate Change

Luzon Regional Consultation with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Project Portfolio Development for the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Luzon Regional Consultation with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Project Portfolio Development for the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

The Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) conducted a Luzon Regional Consultation with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) last 31st of August 2019 at the Eurotel Hotel, Baguio City to strengthen and support its bid for accreditation as the Philippines’ first Civil Society Organization and non-financial institution Direct Access Entity (DAE) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The Activity is the second of a series of consultations that will be conducted in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao with the aim to generate project ideas and develop a Project Portfolio to be submitted to the GCF with the help of different CSOs.

With the participation of at least 17 CSOs from Luzon and are playing a role in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development (BCSD), climate change adaptation and mitigation (CCAM), and disaster risk reduction management (DRRM), the Luzon Regional Consultation generated four draft Project Descriptions and/or problem statements falling under the Country Programme Thematic Areas. These are the following titles:

1. Climate change impact affecting the productivity of agricultural farming system from ridge to reef ecosystem.
Country Programme Thematic Area 2: Development and promotion of climate resilient frameworks, practices, and business systems in the agriculture and fisheries sector

2. TIGASIN ang PINAS – The West Philippine Seaboard Project: The Ilocos Geographic Area: Strengthening against the Impacts of Natural disasters

Country Programme Thematic Area 6: Development of climate resilient ecosystems
3. Improved Resilience in Climate Vulnerable Communities
Country Programme Thematic Area 7: Improved resilience in climate vulnerable communities

4. Building Climate – Smart Indigenous Communities through Landscape to Seascape Approach
Country Programme Thematic Area 9: Integration and active involvement of IPs in CCAM-DRR initiatives

Please click here for the complete texts of the event proceedings.

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