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Sarihay in Focus: "Zero: Saving Lives" by Sara Pacia & Matikas Santos

Posted on September 9, 2016

(Sixth in a thirteen-part series on the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards winners)

In “Zero: Saving Lives,”’s Ms. Pacia and Mr. Santos zoom in on Albay, Bicol, “where disaster preparedness and a zero-casualty mindset have become an integral part of the people’s identity and culture” in a trailblazing model of climate change adaptation.

“Despite bearing the brunt of at least five powerful typhoons a year, despite living near Mayon Volcano, one of the world’s most active and destructive, Albay’s 1.23-million residents (2010 census) contribute greatly to the province’s goal of “zero casualty,” or no deaths, during major disasters.”

“The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (2010)also requires every city and municipality to appoint a dedicated DRRM officer. But five years later, this provision has yet to be properly implemented. Even in Albay, dubbed the center of Philippine DRRM, only Balidoy of Sto. Domingo town is a designated officer solely for DRRM. His counterparts in Albay are still wearing two hats.


Such implementation on the national level must be pushed if the whole Philippines hopes to catch up to Albay’s zero-casualty record. To achieve this, Daep again stressed: “Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation do not require any political boundary. What is really needed is for all sectors to be in.”


Read the full article here.

Published in last November 26, 2015, the piece bagged the Best Online Commentary award in the 2nd Sarihay Media Awards last August 26, 2016. 


The Sarihay Media Awards recognizes the role of the media in promoting awareness and deeper understanding of environmental and sustainable development issues among policymakers, decision makers, and the public. The campaign honors media practitioners who delivered outstanding and responsible reportage of environmental news in the past year. The term "Sarihay" comes from the Filipino phrase, "Samu't Saring Buhay", which aptly describes the “diversity of life,” or biodiversity.

The 3rd Sarihay Media Awards will be open for submissions in early 2017. 

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